Pedagogy of Teaching


The school is learner-centered. Teachers employed different methods that will surely contribute to the learning of the pupils.  The teachers used various methods in teaching the pupils like laboratory method in Science, Role-playing method in subjects like Health Education but most of the time teachers use Discussion method. 


The teachers utilized various materials like video clips, power point presentation and they also have the teacher's manual. The school also has facilities wherein learning activities can take place. Those are gymnasium, library, swimming pool and computer room. On the other hand, pupils have there own textbooks and workbooks in all subjects wherein they can used during the class. Speaking of innovation, the school is very commendable for having a "homey" environment. It aims to make the pupils have fun while learning in school. By having playgrounds inside the school, the pupils can play with their friends while unwinding and taking a break from class. Pupils will be excited to come to school because they will have fun at the same time learn. 


The teachers serve as facilitators of the teaching and learning process  in the school. The main source of learning is the activities that the teacher give to the pupils. By providing learning activities like brainstorming, watching video clips or doing experiment, the pupils are able to learn the concept of the lesson. It's  21st century era, technology is everywhere. The teachers use various technology like laptop, LCD projector and speakers during their classes. The school also have a computer room for searching for information on the internet. 


The teachers assess the pupils' learnings using two ways. The traditional and authentic way. Using the traditional way, the teachers give paper and pencil tests or ask the pupils to answer their workbooks. On the other hand, authentic assessment is being employed when teachers give product and process oriented tasks. Product oriented tasks include making drawing, poster or slogan. While, process oriented tasks include role playing, playing sports or performing a song or dance.